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University of Cambridge Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships for International Students 2018/201


The Cambridge Commonwealth, European & International Trust was established on 1 August 2013 from the merger of the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Cambridge Overseas Trust. These were established as charities by the University of Cambridge in the 1980s in order to provide financial support for international students on degree courses at Cambridge. The Trust awards approximately 400 scholarships annually, and supports between 1,100 and 1,400 students in residence each year from 85 countries across the world. During its history of over 30 years of offering scholarships at the University of Cambridge, the Trust has awarded a total of nearly 18,000 scholarships to international students.

All scholarships require that you apply to the University of Cambridge via the normal online application form, and most scholarships require that you apply by the relevant deadline.

There are different procedures for applying for undergraduate study (BA and similar) and for postgraduate study (Masters, PhD and similar).


Undergraduate study

The application deadline for the 2018 entry is 15 October 2017, 6.00 pm (UK time).

However, there are some exceptions. If you are applying for undergraduate study and wish to be interviewed in China, Malaysia or Singapore, the deadline is 20 September 2017.

Graduate study

If you are applying for graduate study, please check and apply by the specific course deadline. Some deadlines are as early as mid-November (LLM Law) and there will be two general course deadlines of 6 December 2017 and 4 January 2018.


These are guidelines on eligibility for scholarships that are available from the Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust:


All students, irrespective of nationality, are eligible to be considered for funding by the Trust.

For Undergraduate applicants

The Cambridge Trust offers scholarships for undergraduate students who pay the University composition fee at the Overseas rate. UK and EU undergraduate students should apply to the Cambridge Bursary Scheme.

Full information about undergraduate study in Cambridge can be found on the University website.

Most of the Trust's scholarships are part-cost awards which will pay only part of the cost of studying in Cambridge. Use the scholarship search to find the awards for which you may be eligible.

The eligibility requirements for part-cost scholarships are:

  • significant academic achievement and potential

  • financial need

You do not need to apply to the Trust for funding, as the Trust will only consider applicants who are put forward by their Colleges. If you are offered admission, your College may invite you to apply for financial support from the Trust.

Funding for international students with financial need is highly competitive. If you do not require financial support in order to study at Cambridge, please do not apply for a scholarship. You will only be eligible for a scholarship if we are satisfied that you have financial need.

You will be informed in April if you have been successful in gaining a scholarship.

For graduate applicants

The Cambridge Trust is a major source of funding to scholars at Cambridge and offers a number of scholarships for postgraduate students.

Full information about postgraduate study in Cambridge can be found on the University website.

If you are applying for graduate study, please check and apply by the specific course deadline. Some deadlines are as early as mid-November (LLM Law) and there will be two general course deadlines of 6 December 2017 and 4 January 2018.

You do not need to apply to the Trust directly as an application for funding can be completed at the same time as your application for admission to the University.

If you wish to be considered for a scholarship from the Trust, you must complete the funding section of the online application form via the Applicant Portal expressing your wish to be considered for funding and give details of the scholarships for which you wish to be considered.

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