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EMMIR African-European Masters Scholarship+Internship in Migration Studies 2018/2020


EMMIR is the European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations. It is the first African-European Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Migration Studies. The first cohort set out to study in September 2011; since 2013 the program is fully accredited by the national agencies as part of the European pilot project JOQAR. By mid 2016, four cohorts have graduated with a success rate of nearly 100%.

In summer 2016, the program has been selected for further co-funding under the European Erasmus Mundus label of excellence. Consequently, from 2017 onwards, another three editions of the study programme will be supported by a limited number of scholarship for both European and non-European students.

EMMIR is jointly run by three African and four European universities, facilitated by a wider network of partners. Various associate organizations on the regional, national and international level provide significant assistance for student internships and graduate's employment. The quality of the program is constantly evaluated by an international board of experts.

EMMIR is a unique study program focusing on migration through an intercultural approach. It provides profound theoretical skills in migration studies combined with field work in Europe and Africa. It is designed as a multidisciplinary program that addresses important contemporary issues in an emerging field of study.

EMMIR includes study periods in both Europe and Africa. Students' mobility is understood as a key to mutual understanding of different views and cultures of migration and movement and will sharpen intercultural sensitivity.

EMMIR students become acquainted with different cultures and academic traditions and gain knowledge about migration issues in internships. They will gain profound skills and specialize in one of the program foci, this will provide them with excellent chances for employment in national and international governmental and private sector organisations or in academia.

Graduates will be awarded a joint degree by the seven EMMIR partner universities:

  • Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany

  • Ahfad University for Women in Omdurman, Sudan

  • Mbarara University of Science & Technology, Uganda

  • University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

  • University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

  • University of Stavanger, Norway

  • University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa


  • SIGNED and dated print out of the application form attached to the automatic confirmation email.

  • Copy of a valid passport

  • Print out of CV

  • Statement of Purpose, clarifying your motivation to study the course (1 to 2 pages max.)

  • First university degree and other relevant degrees (certified true copies!)

  • Documentation of language proficiency (certified true copy!)

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