Leiden University Excellence Scholarship Program for International Masters Students, 2018
Leiden University was founded in 1575 and is one of Europe’s leading international research universities. It has seven faculties in the arts, sciences and social sciences, spread over locations in Leiden and The Hague. The University has over 6,500 staff members and 26,900 students. The motto of the University is 'Praesidium Libertatis' – Bastion of Freedom.
Applicants must have a non EEA* passport and may not be eligible for support under the Dutch system of study grants and loans (Studiefinanciering) – with the exceptions of students applying for the programs listed below, for which no nationality restrictions apply:
All LLM Advanced Studies programs
MSc in International Relations and Diplomacy
* EEA = All EU countries plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway
Students must have achieved excellent study results in their previous education, this being relevant to the Master's program for which they are applying. As an indication, the student is amongst the top 10% of graduates in his/her previous study program. Note: proof of ranking is not required – this information is purely to indicate the level of competitiveness.
Programs starting Feb: 1 Oct
Programs starting Sept: 1 Feb
Exception - LLM Advanced Studies programs: 1 March
Archaeology, Humanities, Medicine/LUMC, Governance and Global Affairs, Law, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Science, Interfacultair Centrum voor Lerarenopleiding, Onderwijsontwikkeling en Nascholing (ICLON), African Studies Centre, International Institute for Asian Studies
The LExS is awarded for the duration of the study program. There are three available levels of awards:
€ 10,000 of the tuition fee
€ 15,000 of the tuition fee
Total tuition fee minus the statutory tuition fee
The LExS is not a full scholarship. Non-EEA LExS recipients must still submit ‘proof of sufficient funds’ for their student visa/residence permit application.