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Onassis Fellowships Program for International Scholars in Greece, 2018/2019


In 1995 the Foundation established an annual program of grants and scholarships for research, study and artistic endeavor within Greece. The educational program is intended exclusively for non-Greeks: members of national academies, university professors of all levels, PhD holders, post-doctorate researchers and doctoral candidates. Exceptionally and on a case-by-case basis, the program may accept Greeks of the Diaspora, second generation Greeks, and Greeks who permanently reside abroad and have been studying or have been employed in foreign Universities for over 10 or 15 years, depending on the type of scholarship.


1. Eligible to participate are the following candidates:

a) Persons of non-Greek descent

b) Cypriot citizens are also eligible to apply for Category D and E fellowship only, provided they permanently reside and work outside Greece

c) Persons of Greek descent (second generation and on) are also eligible to apply for a fellowship or scholarship, provided they permanently reside and work abroad or currently study in foreign Universities AMONGST OTHERS


  • Humanities:

  • Social Sciences

  • Economics/Finance:

  • Arts


1. Coverage of the travel expenses for a round trip air-ticket from and to the country and place where the fellowship recipient permanently resides, for the grantee only, for the beginning of the scholarship and upon definite departure from Greece that amount a) up to Three Hundred Euros (€300.-) for a European country or b) up to One Thousand Euros (€1,000.-) for a transatlantic trip or travel to and from countries of Asia and Africa. Fellowship recipients will be solely responsible for the purchase of their tickets

2. A monthly allowance of One Thousand Five Hundred Euros (€ 1,500.-) for subsistence, accommodation and all other expenses.

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