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Fully funded Desmond Tutu/Church of Scotland Masters Scholarship for Africans


This scholarship was set up in 2009 to commemorate the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity conferred by the University on the Most Reverend Desmond Tutu.The scholarship will be awarded to a student from Africa who is accepted on a full-time basis for a one year postgraduate Masters program of study within the School of Divinity and who has the official endorsement from the General Secretary or Principal Clerk of their Church.


The scholarship will cover:

  • Full overseas tuition fee

  • Accommodation within a Church of Scotland flat within Edinburgh

  • £440 per calendar month for living costs

  • Visa costs

  • One return airfare

  • Insurance from Church of Scotland business travel, underwritten by Aviva.

The award will be tenable for one academic year.


The scholarship will be awarded to a student from Africa who is accepted on a full-time basis for a one year postgraduate Masters program of study within the School of Divinity. Shortlisted candidates will require to have the official endorsement from the General Secretary or the Principal Clerk of their Church.

Applicants must be a member of a Church of Scotland partner church in Africa. Eligible partner churches are:

Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana

Presbyterian Church of Ghana

Presbyterian Church of East Africa

Synod of the Nile of the Evangelical Church of Egypt

Church of Central Africa Presbyterian

Igreja Evangelica de Cristo em Mocambique

Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa

Presbyterian Church of South Sudan

United Church of Zambia

Uniting Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa

The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit with candidates requiring a Bachelor Degree equivalent to a UK first class or 2:1 Honours degree.

In addition to the above academic qualifications, the selection panel will also take into account the financial circumstances of applicants to ensure that as far as possible a student's financial situation does not impede a university education.

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