Fully-Funded Master Scholarships at University of Stuttgart in Germany
This funding scheme seeks candidates who have relevant academic and professional experience to succeed in these master’s programs as well as demonstrative motivation to use the new knowledge and skills to support development. Given the lack of opportunities available to women and members of disadvantaged groups, this scheme especially targets them for admission.
Infrastructure Planning
Integrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design
Given the specific nature of the program, the master’s course seeks candidates from the field of civil engineering, architecture and urban planning. However, students from related fields with interest in the subject are also welcomed to apply. The entry requirements include a bachelor’ degree and at least two years of work experience. This requirement is only for those interested in getting a scholarship by DAAD; for self-finance students, there is no work experience requirement.
The program starts in October every year and the application deadline is September of the previous year. The degree awarded at the end of the two-year course is called Master’s of Science.