Carlo Cattaneo University PhD scholarships in Management, Finance and Accounting, Italy
PhD program in Management, Finance and Accounting is primarily designed to train students for research-oriented careers in academia, but also for their employment in multinational companies, public and private organizations, financial institutions.
They can interpret business phenomena in an integrated way by using the general methodological principles for quantitative and qualitative research in the social sciences, with the perspectives provided by the subject areas of Corporate Finance, Accounting and Management Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering, Plant Engineering and Management
Business Administration
The admission offer will be inclusive of financial support, defined as follows:
6 places with exemption from contributions to access and to attend, plus provision of scholarships;
1 place with exemption from contributions to access and attend, plus provision of scholarship funded by “CFMT – Centro di Formazione Management del Terziario”. The research must be devoted to the development of a “National Observatory on Service Sector Competitiveness”;
2 places with exemption only from contributions to access and to attend