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Step by Step Application guide for the DAAD/ZMT Scholarship for international students in Germany

I just got off a Zoom meeting organized by the ZMT academy about their scholarship. It was a very insightful session and I took many notes. They shared many ideas that if you put it into practice can really increase your chance of getting the DAAD scholarship.

I will be sharing the insights I got from the meeting on the YouTube channel this weekend so Subscribe here and turn ON the notifications so you get informed when the video drops. For now, I am going to give you a step by step guide on how you apply for the scholarship.

  1. Go to the official scholarship page. Click here

This is what the page looks like.

The most important thing you should pay attention to here is the deadline. YOU DO NOT HAVE TIME!!!!

2. Pay attention to what is on the top right-hand side of the page. Two documents; the official scholarship announcement and the online application form. I have circled it in pink. Don’t mind the crooked lines lol

Click on both and read through thoroughly. The first document contains a lot of very important information but because this is a step-by-step application guide, I will focus on one part of the document; Application Procedure. The following is required;

a. Personal details

b. Your CV (max 2 pages)

c. Concept of your Doctoral project related to the above-mentioned topic: max 2-page.

This concept has to be discussed and approved by a ZMT workgroup leader before submitting it. Please contact the ZMT workgroup leader beforehand!

d. Letter of support from ZMT workgroup leader

e. Letter of Reference from 2 referees (according to this template)

f. Letter of Motivation (Why would you like to pursue a doctoral project at ZMT? Why do you think the suggested working groups could fit your interests?) – max 1 page

g. Master and Bachelor degree certificates

Get all these documents handy because when you open the the actual application form, you can’t start, save *if something is missing* and come back to complete it later. You need to fill up everything at once.

3. Click on the Online Application for DAAD Scholarship and start applying. It is a three-page form and it looks like this;

You must fill up all the requirements with *asterisks

When you are done. Hit Submit and GOODLUCK! Hopefully, you are chosen for this phase of the scholarship.


Good Luck!

Tweet me @yourstruly_cv


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