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Step by Step Application Guide (Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals)

There are two steps in applying for the Global Professionals Scholarship;

  1. Apply to a master’s program

  2. Apply to the scholarship

Here, I will cover step 1 of the process and in the next post, I will cover step 2

APPLYING FOR A MASTER’S PROGRAM Timeline: 16th October 2020~15th January 2021

STEP 1: You have a choose the master’s program you wish to apply for. This is because the scholarship has “eligible programs”. At first sight, you may think, ‘what the heck, I want to apply for whatever I want to apply to’ but when you start looking through the list of eligible programs, you will get exhausted at how many they are and the variety they have. I think they have everything for everyone. It is like 600+ programs so you will find something that suits you. This is the list of eligible programs.

*Two things to pay attention to here; the name of the program you wish to apply to and the university that offers the program. You will see why this is important later

STEP 2: Once you have decided the program you wish to apply for, you can start your university application process. All university admissions in Sweden are done through a central processing system, The first interface you will find there looks like this

You see where it is written subject/course, the program you had chosen in step 1 above will now come in handy. Type the name of the program there. I will use Telecommunication Systems as an example

I typed in Telecommunication systems and as you can see, it already gives me options below but because I want to see everything, I will click on Find Courses (written on the right)

When I click on Find courses, it gives me many options. It shows me the Telecommunication Programs offered by ALL universities in Sweden. But as I explained in step 1, you don’t want all universities in Sweden because you had already chosen 1 university in step 1. So, you go in and edit. Put the name of the university you had chosen. Mine is Blekinge Institute of Technology.

After selecting it, you will notice that on the top right hand of the page, there is an icon written My Selection (it looks like a shopping cart). I will click on it and it will take me to the page to start my application.

You can see the green icon showing Start application

*Pay attention to the *Steps to apply written above the start application icon because you will need to follow them throughout*

If it is your first time applying to a university in Sweden, you will have to create an account.

Nothing much there. Just input all the information asked. After creating your account, you will have to log in using the account details.

As you can see the form shows that the deadline for this application is 15th January 2021. You will also be asked to rank your choices (do that according to your priorities); 1, 2 or 3.

After doing that, your application process can begin.


You will be required to pay your application fee

And as you can see, I can't proceed without paying the application fee. You can either pay using a credit card or pay through a bank transfer. You chose.

*Because I am stuck here (since I am not paying lol) I will just write about how the application process continues

After paying the application fee, it now a documents game. You will have to upload all the required documents

I will be posting a video about this process on the YouTube channel soon. So,

This video shows you how: Watch


Tweet me @yourstruly_cv


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